Welcome and thank you for visiting the official website of Boikanyo Model Extraordinaire (BME). All the models shown here are guaranteed to be punctual, hard working and professional. If you have a placement in mind please contact me in the UK at princess@boikanyo.com or ring the BME proprietor, Ofentse Katse, in Botswana on (00267) 7414-6906. If you would like to be a sponsor for BME please see our letter to prospective sponsors.


BME Patron Director Miss Botswana UK Director Miss Commonwealth Botswana & Portugal Director Miss Global Botswana & Portugal Mrs Commonwealth Botswana 2010-2012 Mrs Commonwealth International 2012 Patron of the School Bus Project for the kids who walk 18km to school!
You can see me on Facebook here and the BME Group here


Jessica Dos Santos - Queen of Friends of the Commonwealth Portugal Portia Sam - Mrs Commonwealth Botswana Kepeo Nkakobang Miss Commonwealth
Angela Atlang Miss Teen Commonwealth Botswana Anthony Mbulawa Mr Commonwealth Botswana
Five delegates from BME will be attending Miss Commonwealth International on 17th November 2012 in London! THE DELEGATES FROM BOTSWANA ARE: Keppy: Miss Commonwealth Botswana 2011/2012 Portia: Mrs Commonwealth Botswana 2011/2012 Angela: Miss Teen Commonwealth Botswana 2011/2012 Anthony: Mr Commonwealth Botswana 2012 They are still actively looking for sponsorship which is not easy in Maun, Botswana so if you feel you would like to help please contact us. THE DELEGATE FROM PORTUGAL IS: Jessica: Queen of Friends of the Commonwealth Portugal 2012